Hardcore gamer who love to play action games know about hitman. Hitman is a popular action game with full of bullet and fire. The game is somewhat difficult due to its many options and controls. But following cheats may be useful for gamer to make the game easy!
Try the following cheats and have fun!
PC Hints & Cheats
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin Cheat Codes
Teleportation Cheat/Mission Win Cheat
Teleportation CheatThere is a special cheat in Hitman 2 that will allow you to teleport 47 anywhere the cross hairs are pointing at the ground. This is very handy to avoid guards, skip portions of a level, or to find the perfect sniping spot.You can teleport anywhere as long as it is a solid, flat surface. You need to be in in 3rd person mode or using the scope or binoculars, because it doesn't seem to work in first-person mode.To enable this cheat, open the ''keyboard.cfg'' file using ''edit.com''. (notepad won't read the file right, as it is an xml file) Add the following lines somewhere in the middle of the file, between the other entries.<Mapping Action=''CheatMove'' Activation=''None''><Key SCode=''K_NEXT'' Device=''Keyboard''/></Mapping>To bind the cheat to another key besides Page Down(as is listed in the example), replace the ''K_NEXT'' with ''K_*'', where * is any uppercase letter.
Mission Win CheatUsing a copy of the codeblock above, replace ''CheatMove'' with ''CompleteLevel''. This allows you to complete the mission instantly. Also remember to change the key binding to another key.Full Ammunition
With cheats enabled in your hitman2 ini file, type this at any point during gameplay to get full ammunition.Cheat Effect IOIEQPWEAP Full ammunition Console Codes
While you're playing a mission, hit Tilde (~) to bring down the Console and enter the following codes:Note: 1 turns the code ON and 0 turns the code OFF. You must also put a space between the number and the code.Invisibility makes you invisible to all, but not to yourself.CheatEffectGod 1/0Turns invincibility on or offInvisible1/0Turns invisibility on or off (you can still be heard though)Gravity 1/0Turns Gravity on or off. When you shoot a dead bosy, it will float in the airGiveall 1/0Gives you all guns. 999 bullets for pistols, assault rifles, and shotguns. Also gives you 500 bullets for Sniper RiflesNailgun 1/0Turns nail gun effect on or off. Dead body's hand will stick to a wall it touchesCheat Codes:
Type itCheat Effect IOIMEGAZ Punch mod on/off IOIFATHER Play as father vittorio IOIASSIAN Silent Assassin mod on/off IOIROCKET fast running mod on/off IOIINVS Invisibility on/off IOIEQPGUN Eqip all pistols IOIDRAGON Fire mod on/off IOIEQPPISTOL Eqip all pistols IOICANTSEE Invsiblility on/of IOIFIRE Eqip a rocket launcher IOILAWS Play as Father Vittorio IOISPEED Fast running mod on/off ITNOTFORME Cult member clothes RATPOWER Makes gun speed fast WININGMAN All guards are slow Hitman 2: Silent Assassin Passwords
Matrix Mode Shooting
Open the console. Type "ip_timemultiplier x" where x is a POSITIVE integer.The default value for x is 1. (Normal Game Speed)You can set it to:0.01-0.3 for Slow Matrix0.31-0.6 for Matrix Walk0.61-0.99 for Beginner's Slowmotion1.01-5.00 for Blitz Mode (Ultra-Fast Gun Firing and Moving)5.01-25.00 for Ultra-Madness BlitzNote: This should not be done on relatively slower PCs as it will cause the loading time to be very long and produce slow, choppy movements.Password Effect ip_timemultiplier x Faster or slower frame movements, x is a positive integer
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin Unlockables
Silent Assassin Ranking Awards
First time you get Silent Assassin ranking you will receive ''Silenced Ballers''Second time you get Silent Assassin ranking you will receive ''Sawed Off Shotgun''Unlock All Missions
To unlock all of the missions, open your Hitman2.ini in Notepad and changed the ''DefaultScene=AllLevels/logos.gms'' line to ''DefaultScene=AllLevels/levelmenu.gms''. Now when you start the game, a level-select menu will appear.
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin Secrets
Tons of Cheats
Open your Hitman2.ini in the Hitman2 directory in a text editor and add ''EnableCheats 1'' without quotations right below EnableConsole.You can activate the following cheats by typing them in the game while playing.IOIRULEZ or IOIRULEY - God Mode on/offIOIGIVES - All Weapons and ItemsIOIHITLEIF - HealthIOISLO - Slow motion on/offIOIER - Bomb Mode on/offIOIHITALI - Ali Mode on/offIOILEPOW - Special attack Mode on/offIOIGRV - The force of gravity Mode on/offIOINGUN - Nail rifle Mode on/offIOIPOWER - Mega Power
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin Glitches
Two pistols at the same time + Rapid Reload
1) Equip your ballers (either kind, it doesn't matter).2) Drop them on the ground.3) Equip a pistol4) Pick up the ballers. (notice that the pistol you had equipped is moved to your left hand)5) Equip a pistol you want to use the trick with.6) You now have two pistols in your hands.You can fire both pistols at the same time, but the pistol in your left hand will not be reloaded once it goes through it's initial clip. Meanwhile, the pistol in your right hand will never have to be reloaded again. As soon as the last round in a clip leaves this gun, it will be instantaneously filled, without a moments pause in the shooting, as long as you have extra ammo for it.The Sawn-off Shotgun may be used as a part of this trick, but it can only experience the rapid reload. By this I mean the Sawn-off will not fire if it is in your left hand with a pistol in your right, and a pistol will not fire if it is in your left hand and the Sawn-off is in your right hand. The gun in your right hand will still fire and experience Rapid Reload.Fast Lockpicking & Clothes Changing
To lockpick a door or change clothes really fast, quickly press the map button as soon as 47 moves to perform the action.Unlock Every Level WITHOUT Cheats
To unlock every level without the use of cheats to mess up your score, simply start a New Game. When it asks you to choose a difficulty, go back and select Current Game, and every level should be unlocked, without a rating.
PS2 Hints & Cheats
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin Cheat Codes
Cheat Effect R2, L2, Up, Down, Square, Triangle, Circle on Main menu Level Cheat R2, L2, Up, Down, X, Up, L2 Slow Motion R2, L2, Up, Down, X, Up, Down Full Heal R2, L2, Up, Down, X, Up, Up Punch Mode R2, L2, Up, Down, X, L2, L2 Gravity R2, L2, Up, Down, X, R1, R1 Lethal Charge R2 ,L2, Up, Down, X, Up, L1 Bomb Mode R2, L2, Up, Down, X, R2, R2 Megaforce R2, L2, Up, Down, X, L1, L1 Nailgun Mode R2, L2, Up, Down, X, L3, Circle, X, Circle, X Level Complete Quickly press R2, L2, Up, Down, Square, Triangle, Circle at the main menu. Mission Select
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin Unlockables
Unlockable How to Unlock Earn a Silent Assasin ranking on all of the St. Petersburg missions up to and including ''Invitation to a Party'' without any aggression. Pass ''Invitation to a Party'' last and you will recieve the M4. Get An M4 You will receive the ''Sawed Off Shotgun'' after gaining 'Silent Assassin' ranking for the second time in the game. This must be on a mission which you haven't received the ranking before. Get a Sawed-Off Shotgun You will receive ''Silenced Ballers'' after gaining 'Silent Assassin' ranking for the first time in the game. Getting Silenced Ballers
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin Secrets
How to get a custom rifle
When you are in the castle in japan. After you have shut down all generators, go to the back of the castle. You have to walk on the right sid if you are facing the castle. There is a sniper who cant see you when you enter the hallway. If you have a smg (sd6) shoot him in the head. Has to be one shot. He will fall out of the window our at least his weapon will. The custom rifle sileneced sniper rifle. Then this might take a few tries. Luckily i got it on the first try. You must complete the level with this weapon in your possesion.Faster Knife Attacks
Playing in third person, there is a limit to how fast you can swing small knives, like the scalpel or combat knife. However, if you enter first person, this delay time is non-existent, making combat far easier.
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin Glitches
Kill A UN Guard Glitch
In the Level Motorcade Interception, one of the mission objectives, is to spare the UN guards and not kill them. You can simply kill them by approaching behind them and use the Fibre Wire on them to kill them. Using only the wire will glitch and allow you to kill them.Early Silenced WA2k Sniper Rifle
In order to obtain the silenced WA2k sniper rifle early in the game, play the levels with the ninja clan snipers (either At The Gates or Hidden Valley), where you originally start off with that stupid crossbow. In the large sniper towers, all of the ninja snipers are equipped with powerful silenced sniper rifles, a weapon you won't get until much later on in the game. In order to get one early, snipe a ninja with a solid headshot as they're slightly leaning out of a window, and more often than not when they jerk back they'll drop their silenced rifles over the railings and onto the ground below the tower. It may take a couple tries, but it beats having to wait to get it several missions down the line, since this is the end-all sniper rifle in the game.Stretchy People
Put on the "Nailgun" cheat and shoot someone onto a wall. Make sure they're in your reach and go to one of their legs or arms that isnt "nailing" them to the wall and press "drag body". If you have done it right you can now walk around while holding onto the person and they will stay on the wall unless you select the "drop body" option.Rat Dragging
If you're ever in the sewer and you have a gun out you've probably noticed that the (aiming circle) which is white unless there is an enemy and it turns red. It's because theres rats in there that you can kill and drag. All you have to do is shoot it when you see the red circle, search for it, and then when you're near it the "drag body" option will appear and 47 will bend over and drag it like a person.Quick Lock Picking
When you come to a lock that needs to be picked just start to pick the lock then after about a second press Select then X to open up your map, then wait about another second then hit triangle to exit the map, if you did it right the object should now be unlocked and it was done in only a fraction of the time. (If it doesn't work the first time wait a little longer in the map before you leave back to game play)
Xbox Hints & Cheats
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin Cheat Codes
Cheat Codes
Enter these codes during gameplay (not while paused):Cheat Effect R, L, Up, Down, A, R, L, Black, White God Mode R, L, Up, Down, A, Up, X, A All Weapons R, L, Up, Down, A, Up, L Slomotion R, L, Up, Down, A, Up, Up Punch Mode R, L, Up, Down, A, L, L Gravity R, L, Up, Down, A, Black, Black Lethal Charge R, L, Up, Down, A, Up, White Bomb Mode R, L, Up, Down, A, R, R Megaforce R, L, Up, Down, A, White, White Nailgun Mode (pins people to walls) R, L, Up, Down, A, X, L3, B, A, B, A Level Skip/Beat Level R, L, Up, Down, A, X, Up, Down Fully Heals Hitman
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin Unlockables
Unlockable How to Unlock Earn a Silent Assasin ranking on all of the St. Petersburg missions up to and including ''Invitation to a Party'' without any aggression. Pass ''Invitation to a Party'' last and you will recieve the M4. M4 Achieve a Silent Assassin rating twice. Sawed off shotgun You will receive ''Silenced Ballers'' after gaining 'Silent Assassin' ranking for the first time in the game. Silenced Ballers
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin Glitches
Unlock Every Level WITHOUT Cheats
To unlock every level without the use of cheats to mess up your score, simply start a New Game. When it asks you to choose a difficulty, go back and select Current Game, and every level should be unlocked, without a rating.
GC Hints & Cheats
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin Cheat Codes
All Pushbutton Cheat Codes
Enter the codes in-game to acheive the desired effect. Directions are entered on the cross pad. (Codes can also be entered while paused.)Cheat Effect Right, Left, Up, Down, A, Right, Left, Right, Left God Mode Right, Left, Up, Down, A, Up, B, A All Weapons Right, Left, Up, Down, A, Right, Right MegaForce Lethal Charge - Killed Enemies Fly Far Away Right, Left, Up, Down, A, Left, Left Nailgun (and No Gravity) Right, Left, Up, Down, A, Up, Up Hitman Ali - Shot Enemies Fly Into The Air Right, Left, Up, Down, A, Up, Down Full Health Right, Left, Up, Down, A, Up, Left Explosive Bullets (and Slow-Mo Deaths) Right, Left, Up, Down, A, Up, Right, Right Equips Stealth Weapons Codes
When you are playing the game type it.Cheat Effect IOILAWS play as father vittorio IOIAIR fly and attack
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin Unlockables
Unlockable Weapons
To unlock the weapon just complete the specific method.Unlockable How to Unlock Succesfully complete any mission with silent assassin for the second time and you will receive the gun in your cabin but it can't be from the same mission. Sawed-Off Shotgun You have to earn the Silent Assasin ranking on the St. Petersburg missions. Once you complete the mission ''Invitation to a Party'' you will unlock the M4. M4 Get a Silent Assasin award on any level Ballers SD Level Select Menu
Edit the hitman2.ini and change "DefaultScene=AllLevels/logos.gms" to "DefaultScene=AllLevels/levelmenu.gms”
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