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Thursday, 1 March 2012

How to Activate Windows 8 Developer Preview Build 8102 M3

Microsoft tried to make the installation process of windows 8 developer preview as easy as possible. Users don't need to type any product key during installation. And it's working fine after installing. 

However if someone finds that he needs to provide a product for activation then he can try this one: 6RH4V-HNTWC-JQKG8-RFR3R-36498

There is another method to activate windows 8 developer preview. Just follow the steps below:
  1. Press Start button and Type cmd
  2. Now Command Prompt window will appear and need to type the following code
slmgr.vbs -ipk 6RH4V-HNTWC-JQKG8-RFR3R-36498
slmgr.vbs -ato
Note: After typing the first line and when you press enter there may appear several windows with error messages. Don't be panic. You will get the activation message within 1/2 minutes.

If this system does not work for you then follow this method.

Now Press Window Logo Key + Pause. Your computer properties will show windows is activated. And click on the View details. It will show a window with activation status like below:

Note: If the above system doesn't work for you then you can Activate Windows Developer Preview Build 8102 M3 by Windows Update. It is 100% working method and provided by Microsoft itself!

And if all the above system fails, then you need to download the consumer preview copy of Windows 8. 


  1. The second system is more useful. I mean activate windows preview by Windows Update.

  2. Replies
    1. This is not fake. If the above system doesn't work then you can activate using windows update.

      Please see the note at the end of the post.

  3. Not working Man !

  4. what if it is showing "product activation failed"

    1. As Windows 8 developer preview has already been obsolete so I can't test any more activation procedure. So plz download the consumer preview of Windows 8.


  5. pls help while tryng to update windows 8 metro 8102 , fails 2 update. error- 0x081of9 or something loke that.. kindly giv a solution.. kindly mail

    1. An email has already been sent at your email address.

      Thanks for staying with us.

  6. I'm having the same problem, i've updated my windows, and I'm facing the DNS error!
    I might need another serial number or sth like that!

    1. You didn't mention your version. If you're still using Developer Preview then I recommend to switch into Release Preview now. It's more interesting.

      Since I've stopped using the developer preview so I can't test the activation process by myself. And most of the techniques doesn't run for long. Because all people wanna crack the final version.

      Thanks for staying with us.

  7. Pleas i am using windows 8 developer preview currently, but i just downloaded the latest ISO release prewiew file from Microsoft, each time i have successly burned the iso file to a dvd.with my laptop. but i try to format and it always get to 12 percent and then brings this error message. windows cannot install required drivers files and stuffs like that......I will be very happy if any one could HELP me out, here is my email. ( or ( thank you i especp a reply.

    1. Well I'm actually afraid and sorry to inform you, the file you downloaded might be damaged or broken! Did u pause the download operation? It may be the possible cause of file corruption.

      Plz download the ISO file again. And you should download the Windows 8 Release Preview.

      If you need further help then contact me through kontactr me located at the right side bar.

      Feel free to contact with us. Thanks for staying with Marks PC Solution.


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