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Tuesday, 1 May 2012

How to set a password on logon screen?

Most of the computer users are familiar with user account password. It can be set during the windows startup. It prevents the unauthorized access to a computer. But this password can only protect you from a normal user. An expert can easily break this and have access to your computer.

But in this post I am gonna show you a trick that can add an extra layer of security of your computer.

  1. Follow the steps below:
  2. Press Start + R to open Run
  3. Type syskey in the Run and press enter
  4. Now hit yes and then update (Make sure that Encryption enabled option is selected)
  5. Whenever you hit on update immediately a new window named Startup Key will appear
  6.  Now select Password Startup
  7. Type your password here and confirm it then hit ok.

Note: Remember, if you enable this password once then it can’t be disabled. You can change the password only. You can also hide the password box during the startup. 
To do so, repeat the steps 1 to 4 and in the step 5 select System Generated Password and Store Startup Key Locally. In this way you can deactivate the startup password. 


  1. I don't understand. What does this do?

  2. It's an extra layer of security provided by Windows know as SAM.

    Just follow the steps and set a pass on your PC. It can't be turned off once started. But you can stop asking password by the method mentioned at the end of the post. Don't worry. Just try it.

    If you have any problem then you can send email at this address:


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